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Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.
— Verna Myers

At Center of Gravity, we commit to nurturing a school centered around  inclusion and belonging, and uphold the core belief that:
“Diversity-By-Design is cultivated from the ground up, fostered inside and out, and created through people, place, and purpose.”

Our early learning school was founded as a research based, STEM and art infused program designed to keep children at the center of our community. We are a haven of hope and love, built deliberately year-after-year, through our commitment to the core tenets of this school: community, creativity, and innovation. We embrace children, families, and staff from diverse backgrounds in an effort to promote a true sense of belonging, inclusion, and representation. 

Our collaborative efforts are strengthened through close relationships and the expertise of our families, local community leaders, partnering agencies, educators, researchers, and authors. Our community values and prioritizes inclusion, intersectionality, and culturally responsive practices. Together, we believe that “Diversity-by-Design” is achieved through ongoing commitments from, with, and for the entire school community. As learners and leaders united, we are willing to listen and grow by embracing each other’s perspectives and lived-experiences. We strive to be a beacon of what is possible in the world as a living example of hope, empowerment, and opportunity: all together, not the same.

Our commitment to this school’s core belief of “Diversity-by-Design” is steadfast. Lean in with us and remain open to complex perspectives and histories; which may be different from your own. 

We disavow and renounce all forms of oppression, racism, discrimination, and white supremacy. The members of our school community are expected to uphold the values contained in this statement and commit to holding one another and the school accountable.


This is a living document to be reviewed, revised and renewed each year, by each subsequent
Family Advisory Board for the Center of Gravity; in perpetuity.